Bass Coast College, our student leadership program encourages student agency across all facets of the learning program. Students are offered the opportunity to join leadership teams at Year 12, 11, 10 and 9, with teams meeting once a week to provide voice on issues that matter to students as well as the chance for the development of leadership skills. These teams are divided into areas of interest, with general student leaders and voice representatives alongside sports leaders, arts leaders and house captains. These students are selected through written application and formal interview by their peers and staff.
Once accepted, student leaders are given agency as to charities they wish to support and causes that they wish to advocate for within our school community. They are also representative of their peers and provide feedback to relevant bodies within the school about issues that relate to students as a whole.
Any students interested in applying for leadership positions should see the student leadership coordinator at their relevant campus for more information.
In Term 1 each year we proudly host our Student Investiture Ceremonies at each Campus where we officaly appoint our School Leaders.
The Campus Captains attend the GRIP student leadership conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, to learn about how they can best implement improvement strategies as school leaders. Students come away with new skills, new perspectives and new ideas for making a positive contribution as a leader.
In 2024, BCC participated in the first ever Koorie Emerging Leaders Co-Design Workshop in Morwell. The purpose of this workshop, is to design and develop the Koorie Emerging Leaders in Schools Program, to understand the aspirations and current experiences of Koorie young people across the Inner Gippsland Area
School for Student Leadership is a Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) initiative offering a unique residential education experience for Year 9 students. The curriculum focuses on personal development and team learning projects sourced from students’ home regions. There are four campuses in iconic locations across Victoria. Each year in Term 2, six students from BCC attend The Alpine School Campus, located at Dinner Plain in the Victorian Alps for nine weeks. Students for this program are selected via application and interview.
Throughout the year, student leaders organise various fundraising activities such as out of uniform days, pyjama days, baked goods sales, BBQ’s and student vs teachers activities. Some of the organisations BCC has raised funds for are:
Held in conjunction with Watersure, this program aims to provide young women with the essential leadership skills they need to engage in a successful, meaningful career. The initiative addresses the underrepresentation of women in senior roles in Australia. It is designed to support young women to develop their leadership skills, aspire to senior roles in business and the community, and foster a sense of self-belief that will encourage them to aim high. Focus involves female students working in small groups with female executives who act as role models and mentors. Mentors sharing their own career journeys and challenges can make an enormous impact as students consider their options for the future.