Bass Coast College prides itself on the support it offers to students. However, it also known that high quality communication and collaboration with parents and carers is also essential for the support of the young person. The College staff and parents must work together for the best benefit of students.

There are numerous channels of communication between the College and parents, much of which occurs via email, through the Student Management System Compass or via letters home or via phone.

The College sends out:

  • regular news items via Compass Newsfeed
  • letters to parents re: infringements etc
  • invitations to presentations, etc
  • Compass Personal Learning (PLRs) four times a year
  • Compass Semester reports twice a year
  • specific letters on camps/excursions and course information
  • an annual magazine
  • attendance SMS
  • reminder text messages.

The parents send in:

  • enrolment forms
  • notes concerning absences, uniform, problems, queries
  • excursion permission forms and fee payments.

Parents and teachers get together for

  • parent/teacher interviews
  • information evenings about camps, course selections, etc
  • concerts, award ceremonies
  • sports days

Most communication is via Compass and it is the parents’ responsibility to check Compass regularly. Parents will be issued with Compass log in details after enrolment. Any parent who has lost their Compass log in details can contact the General Office to have their details reissued.

Contact from parents is welcomed and encouraged. Bass Coast College and staff would like to invite all parents ato become more involved in the work and decision-making at our school.

The advantages of parents being involved in our school activities are:

  • Knowledge of the school operations which will assist when we are discussing the school with the child.
  • Opportunity to meet teachers who are teaching your child and as a result you are better able to discuss your child’s progress with staff.
  • As a parent, gain confidence in the school and feel much happier about entering the school to talk to the administration.
  • Become more familiar with the student’s work.  As a result you will be better able to help your child with work at home.
  • Your child sees that you have a real interest in him/her and a better relationship may result.
  • The child, parent and teacher are better able to work as a team to educate your child.
  • Your child builds up confidence in the school.
  • You hear of possible changes and future directions in the College and are able to express your opinion and or assist in decisions.

Child safety and wellbeing

Bass Coast College is committed to providing an environment where students are safe and feel safe. We have a zero tolerance for child abuse and are committed to protecting children from harm.

Our comprehensive child safety framework outlines our school’s strategies to support student safety and wellbeing. The framework includes the following policies, codes and procedures, found on the Public Documents page of our website.

  • Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
  • Child Safety Code of Conduct
  • Child safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure
  • Complaints Policy
  • Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
  • Bullying Prevention Policy
  • Volunteers Policy
  • Visitors Policy
  • Digital Learning Policy

Our students and their families are important partners in keeping our students safe. We value feedback and ideas on how we can continuously strengthen our child safety framework. If you have any suggestions or comments please contact the Principal.



The Bass Coast College Council is responsible, within the framework of Victorian Government policy guidelines, for the education policies and plans of the school. Council’s responsibilities also include use of school buildings, employment of ancillary staff, and use of school funds.

The powers and duties of the School Council derive from the decision of the Minister for Education to give the school community of parents, teachers and students much of the authority and responsibility formerly in the hands of the Department of Education and Training Victoria.

While teachers retain responsibility for deciding how to implement the details of school policy, the College Council formulates policies on matters such as curriculum objectives and defines the school’s aims and values. Council decides in broad terms the methods for implementing policies.

A close working relationship between Council, teaching and support staff assists in promoting collaborative decision making and solving problems.

The College Council is constituted by:

  • six parent representatives
  • four teacher representatives
  • the Principal(s)
  • four other members co-opted for the special contributions they can make to the Council 

The Council meets at least 8 times per year. Standing sub-committees of the School Council include:

  • Resources
  • Education Policy and Development
  • Facilities