BCC would like to congratulate Year 12 student Jess McGuirk
for her outstanding short documentary that she created in Units 3/4 of Media
Studies. Under the watchful teaching of Tony Dal Masetto, Jess developed her
documentary into her Grandfather’s (Peter Tack) restoration of a World War II
army tank.
The mini-documentary, called ‘Steel Reborn’, not only shows
the story behind her Grandfather’s restoration of the tank but also explores
some real life positive messages for young people.
Jess submitted ‘Steel Reborn’ as one of her Media SATs and
also submitted the mini-documentary to ‘Top Screens’ which is a statewide
competition for media based VCE SATs. Every year, approximately 700 – 800
applications are submitted from across the state, and last week Jess was
notified that ‘Steel Reborn’ had been one of approximately 25 – 30 items short
listed for Tops Screens 2024.
Jess is hopeful to hear soon whether her piece has been
selected to be part of the Top Screens exhibition. We congratulate Jess on this
outstanding recognition of her work and wish her all the best in attempting to
gain a place in the final exhibition.