Victorian Government School students can apply to Bass Coast College through their respective primary school. Non Goverment school students can apply directly to Bass Coast College.
The enrolment process for Year 7 students from local feeder schools, commences in Term 2 for the following years intake. Bass Coast College will conduct information nights at the local primary schools as well as at the two junior campuses. Parents are advised of these dates via their primary school and advertising in the local newspaper.
Primary schools will distribute an ‘Application for Year 7 Placement’ form to Grade 6 students. These applications will be collated by your child’s primary school and forwarded to Bass Coast College. Staff from BCC will visit students at their primary schools throughout the year and provide further information to those students who are enrolling.
Year 7 students moving from outside the local area to BCC, should phone the General Office to make an appointment with the Year 7 Coordinator.
Further information can be found by clicking on the links in Resources.