Bass Coast College has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy for all students across the College. There are significant educational benefits for students to be able to combine digital technology learning with the more ‘traditional’ learning methods. 

It is not a requirement that students have their own portable device; however it is highly recommended.

The BYOD arrangement will also enable students to use resources from home, as they will be able access Learning Tasks and other information through our online Compass Management System.

Important note: Smart phones and tablets are inappropriate devices for most educational purposes. Laptops or netbooks are the preferred devices.

Access edunet BYOD Portal


Microsoft Office 

(word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and outlook) is free for students at BCC students will be given instructions on how to install this software once they have their device.


Photoshop, illustrator, lightroom, Dreamweaver. Is free for students at BCC students will be given instructions on how to install this software once they have their device.