Continuous Assessment and Reporting is provided to students and parents through Compass Learning Tasks. This provides timely results and feedback, to encourage student learning and development throughout a semester and to engage parents in their child’s learning journey.
At BCC student progress is informed by each students’ completion of Common Assessment Tasks. A Common Assessment Task (CAT) or at Year 11 and 12 School Assessed Coursework (SAC)/School Assessed Task (SAT), is a piece of work that is undertaken by all students studying that subject at that year level. This is a summative task to assess student understanding following a sequence of learning.
Year 7 – 10 classes will have a minimum of CATs that will report to families per semester, reported via Compass Learning Tasks.
Families will be able to view the task on Compass, read the task details, how it will be assessed and the due date. Families will subsequently be able to see the level of achievement and teacher feedback for this work after it has been submitted and assessed by the teacher. CATs are significant assessment pieces and, as such, provide essential information for parents and students on their progress.
As a component of Continuous Reporting, Personal Leaning Reports (PLRs) are designed for students, and their parents/carers, to review progress. This report focuses on Learning Behaviours for students (e.g. classroom effort, attitudes to learning) and does not provide an academic assessment or feedback on task completion. A graphic that represents student PLR learning behaviour information is included on semester reports. PLRs are the predominant source for determining effort awards at the Presentation Ceremonies at the end of the year. PLRs are scheduled on four occasions (two per semester). These are spread as evenly as possible. This is to provide regular formative feedback to students and parents.
For more information on PLRs click here
In addition to Continuous Reporting, Semester Reporting is provided for students and their parents/carers.
Schools are required to formally report student achievement and progress to parents/carers at least twice per school year for each student enrolled at the school.
The report must be:
Opportunities must be provided for parents/carers and students to discuss the school report with teachers and/or school leaders. These are provided through parent/teacher conferences either face to face or via a digital communication platform (e.g. Teams, Webex) depending on the current health advice outlined in the DET Schools Operations Guide.
PTSI’s are held twice a year in Term 1 and Term 3 to provide interim student feedback. Parents are provided the opportunity to meet teachers face to face or via an online meeting.