Bass Coast College runs a Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) program across Years 7, 8 and 9. Students are accelerated in the five core subjects of English, Humanities, Japanese, Mathematics and Science.
From 2022 onwards, a SEAL class will operate for Year 7 at both the Dudley and San Remo Campuses.
The aims of our program are:
In the Middle School, SEAL students remain in a distinct class for their core subjects; English, Humanities, Maths, Science and Japanese. Beyond these core subjects, students have the opportunity to select electives of interest and mix with students not in the SEAL program.
Students are offered an A3 planner each term, where they can set up their study timetable to also include out of school activities. This aims to teach the students time management strategies, so that they can achieve a successful school-life balance; preparing them for their future studies as their schooling progresses. A booklet on study tips and techniques is also made available to all SEAL students.
Term 3
Term 4
All Bass Coast College students receive individual course counselling at the end of Years 9, 10 and 11. Select Entry Accelerated Learning students have a number of options available to them. When SEAL students reach Year 10 they will undertake at least one VCE subject as part of their Year 10 course. A range of options for selecting an individually chosen accelerated VCE program will be available.
Prospective students will need to fill out a nomination form and email it to: – Dudley Campus
OR – San Remo Campus
Further information and the nomination form can be accessed from the child’s Primary School, Bass Coast College or by clicking on the following links below.
Dudley Campus
Lauren Kenny
San Remo Campus
Laura Parkin